This is README file of Go4Fit package. This document describes how to obtain and install Go4Fit package. Package (in tar.gz format) can be obtained from Go4 web site ( Copy Go4Fit.tar.gz to destination directory and unpack it by command: tar -xvzf Go4Fit.tar.gz This creates two directory Go4Fit/ and Go4FitExample/ To compile Go4Fit, first you should install ROOT and proper sets up PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH enviroment variables to have access to ROOT binaries and shared libraries. To compile Go4Fit package, you should enter your Go4Fit/ path and execute "make" command. This compiles all sources and creates "" shared library. To use it in ROOT, you should specify path Go4Fit/ and Go4FitExample/ in LD_LIBRARY_PATH enviroment variable. For that "" script can be used. To compile a set of examples, enter Go4FitExample/ directory and execute "make" command there. This creates a set of executable programs. To run them, LD_LIBRARY_PATH should be already specified. Example3 is only compiled, when f77 and installed in the system. All examples (except 3-rd one) also can be used in CINT directly, without any modification. To use them in CINT, just run root, load Go4Fit library: [root] gSystem->Load(""); and then run any of them: [root] .x Example1.cxx For the forth example appropriate library should be loaded first: [root] gSystem->Load(""); Another possibility to automatically load required libraries in ROOT CINT is to create .rootmap file. After compilation type: > make map This works starting from ROOT 4.00/08. Detailed description of Go4Fit package can be found on Go4 web site (